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“The secret to great health? Escaping the healthcare matrix” - McKinsey Health Institute

I came across this very good article from McKinsey Health Institute called "The secret to great health? Escaping the healthcare matrix" (you can find the link below). Definitely worth reading.

The article brings a different and well-documented perspective to what health truly means today, which is way beyond just the absence of disease (or death).

It makes several very important points:

The suffering we endure to achieve longevity is unacceptable and unnecessary.

Mental, social, and spiritual health are as important as physical health and are

deeply interconnected.

Health is mostly about our ability to function, not just about disease and death.

Health exists on a spectrum: we can’t achieve optimal health if we don’t define,

measure, or strive for it.

Most drivers of health sit outside conventional healthcare systems and are


Achieving great health is as much about what we pursue as what we avoid.

People are more than patients; they deserve to be empowered with greater health


History suggests that the societal adaptations required to improve health are

feasible; every person and institution on Earth has a role to play.

Here is the article link:

Holistic health (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual) is something we should and can take much more responsibility for, instead of forever waiting for our healthcare systems to provide it to us. This is not something most healthcare providers or institutions are taught or ready to offer.

This is exactly where health coaching is coming into play.

There is robust scientific evidence proving that lifestyle changes (exercising, fasting, fish oil, positive attitude, being in nature, having a clear life purpose etc) are very efficient when it comes to preventing/managing some serious chronic conditions, extending our life and/or adding higher quality to our life years.

Suffering, even later in life when it is deemed to be "acceptable", is in fact NOT!

Don't wait, take the first step towards a healthy, happy and fulfilled life now.

Book a free health consultation with me:


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