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What do strawberries, spinach, kale, collard and mustard greens, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, hot and bell peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans all have in common?

👍 For one, they are among my favourite healthy foods.

👎 But... they are also the new dirty dozen on EWG's list this year.

Let's take blueberries as an example. Up to 17 different pesticides can be found on a single blueberry sample, among them bee killing pesticides. WOW!

✅ The opposite of the above is EWG's 2023 Clean 15 list: avocados, sweet corns, pineapples, onions, papayas, sweet peas, asparagus, honeydew melons, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mangoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon, carrots.

🔶 So make sure you know what you are eating, and always or whenever possible choose a well-known, certified, clean source for your food. Or replace with a Clean 15.

Needless to say pesticides can create real havoc in your body. And they are everywhere, not just in food. Check EWG's resources for more info.

Take care, stay informed and choose well!

Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>

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